How did this passion for cycling happen?
My passion for cycling came naturally. My father had always been in contact with the racing world and we would come together to competitions on a regular basis. At the age of 10 I started to compete myself on BTT.
Being a professional racer takes long hours of training, special care with food, rest, etc. What is the daily routine of a racer?
I wake up at 7h30, have a good breakfast, which is one of the most important meals of the day. Gives me energy to cope with the daily training/ competition.
Afterwards I help with the children and take them to the kindergarten. I also spend sometime looking after the dogs and the birds.
In the meantime I start my daily training which lasts between two and six hours. After training it’s time to regain energy. I take good care with what I eat and also keep a couple of hours for resting.
In recent years cycling has enlisted more and more followers in its different aspects. In your opinion what is this success due to?
I feel the growth of racing is mainly due to the general increasing concern with health and fitness. Cycle training or just touring give us the possibility to enjoy the view while doing exercise.
The wheels are an important part of the bicycle. What criteria do you follow when choosing the suitable wheels for the different roads?
Choosing the right wheels has mostly to do with the weather conditions (wind and rain) and altitude (road or mountain).
How important are the wheels for the performance of the racer?
Personally I feel the wheels are a very important feature for the safety of the rider.
What are the most important features of the Blackjack wheels?
The firmness of the wheels ensures stability and security for the rider. These are two of the aspects I value most. Besides the Blackjack wheels are very appealing.
Winning the Madrid Vuelta was the highlight of your career to date? What did it feel like being at the podium?
It was the highest point of my career abroad. I was very happy specially because last year was tough and I suffered several injuries which did not let me be at my best.
Being first at the podium in Madrid was a fantastic feeling of self achievement.
NAME: Edgar Miguel Lemos Pinto
TEAM: Vito Feirense Blackjack
AGE: 32 anos
CITY: Albergaria-a-Velha (Aveiro)
IN SHORT DEFINE YOURSELF OR YOUR PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE: Peace, determination and daily endurance in order to achieve my goals.