Cycling is already a recurring practice among the young and the older. The most varied athletes practice this sport in very different terrain circuits and according to their preferences. There are cyclists who prefer urban, tarmac environments and others who don’t need to take a challenging ride on a mountainous route.

Electric bikes are another trend that has been growing along with the growth of cyclists and it’s important to understand what these bikes are and if they are able to adapt to various trails, including mountainous ones.


First of all, it is important to understand what an electric bike is and how it differs from the others. These bikes are similar to traditional bikes but come equipped with a motor on one wheel. They also come with a lithium battery to help you get around town and country and are able to eliminate all the effort you would normally make. Steep climbs are easier to accomplish and the entire trip can be done without pedaling.

However, that doesn’t mean you never pedal! The main advantage of this bike is the ability you will have to measure your effort as you wish.

It’s important to remember that not all batteries have the same range and you should choose the power according to the distance of your daily route.

To be able to ride these bikes you don’t need a driving license as they fall into the category of normal bikes. Thus it can run on any bike path and can be transported on most public transport. The biggest difference between electric and traditional bicycles is the notion of speed since by choosing to make no effort, you run the risk of exceeding the permitted speed limit: 25km/h.

In addition, the electric bike is usually waterproof, so it can be used in dirtier and muddy environments. Many steep tracks are also compatible with these bikes, which is one of the main advantages.

In addition, many electric bikes also have the ability to provide illumination even when the battery is discharged, making it easy to see, for example, on mountain trails, which are often dimly lit.


These are some of the advantages of purchasing electric bikes, but only you are able to make the right choice! Blackjack has solutions that perfectly fit this type of bike, so explore this world further and decide if it might be a better option for your cycling routine.



